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Purpose of
It is used especially in the production of all kinds of baklava as well as in the production of water and sleeve rolls.
Product features
Ash in KM (%): 0,530 max
Packing Type: 50 kg cloth sack, 25 kg kraft
Structural Properties
Contains high amounts of gluten. Due to the high water removal, more products can be obtained, resistant dough during production, easy opening and rupture during the dough opening, drying during the dough opening, for baklava, low starch opening during the dough opening, despite the low starch can be opened in the dough, non-stick products, to give color, good swelling of the products, high rate of sherbet and oil to absorb, after the sherbet to be able to maintain the bulge, baklava crisp, fresh conditions for a long time to maintain the appropriate conditions are provided, baklavada, brittleness and brightness to maintain a long time, the standard product to be able to obtain.
You can see the documents of our production quality on the road from the farm to your kitchen.